Even the most affordable pieces of jewelry are still costlier than most of the everyday things we purchase. Furthermore, its easy for people with untrained eyes to be fooled into paying a lot for fake jewelry. Use the tips below to ensure you're making the smart and the right investment when buying jewelry pieces.
How to Buy Gold Jewelry
Gold is one of the most commonly used materials for jewelry. And as gold jewelry doesn't discolor like silver does, they are ideal for people with allergy concerns. Because of its malleability, gold is mixed with other metals to improve its durability and structure. That's why even 24K gold isn't really made purely of gold.
Gold jewelry is measured by its karat or the amount of gold it contains. 24K gold is the highest karat amount you can look for. The next would be 18K, 14K, 12K, and 10K. Any gold jewelry with a rating lower than 10K is no longer considered gold jewelry. In Europe, the karat rating is shown in percentage. 18K would be .750 because it contains 75% gold. 14K would be .583, 12K would be .500.
How to Buy Jewelry Made of Silver, Platinum, and Other Metals
Other metals beside gold are also used to make jewelry. Platinum is one good example and today's market prices it even more expensively than gold. Platinum jewelry is also rated according to its platinum content.
92.5% is the highest rating provided for silver or sterling silver jewelry pieces; it signifies the amount of silver used in the jewelries. Other metals commonly used for jewelry are pewter and vermeil.
How to Buy Gemstone Jewelry
There are two primary types of gemstones: natural and artificial. Natural gemstones are more expensive. Artificial, company-created, or synthetic gemstones are made in the laboratory.
The size and weight are important when buying gemstones. A 1-carat gemstone will weigh 50 points or 1/5th of a gram. At times, gemstones are subjected to certain treatments to change or improve their durability or appearance. The laws require jewelry makers to label their items clearly if they had been treated in any way. In most cases, treated jewelry pieces are less costly than untreated ones.
Commonly used treatments today include bleaching, dyeing, diffusion, fracture filling, impregnating, irradiation, and heating. Bleaching is used to whiten pearls, jades, and other similar stones. Dyeing, diffusion, heating, and irradiation mostly have to do with improving the color of gemstones. Impregnating and fracture filling, on the other hand, make flaws of gemstones less visible.
Gemstones are also appraised according to the same 4C’s used for appraising diamonds, and they are cut, color, clarity, and, which has been previously discussed, carat weight.
Darker gemstones aren't always better. Sapphire that's too dark could have its bluish shade ending up appearing black, and this is considered undesirable by many. Its best to view the color of gemstones at all light levels to judge it more accurately. Ultimately, look for vividness and brightness in colored gemstones.
Clarity refers to the absence of flaws in a gemstone. Imperfections, or inclusions as they're called, are sometimes used to as birthmarks because they indicate the gemstones origins. Other times, they actually increase the value of the gemstone, such as it is in the case of stars in star rubies and sapphires.
Cut doesn't necessarily make a gemstone more expensive, but it could enhance or detract from its appearance.
Gemstones can be classified into several categories. Traditional gemstones are made up of emerald, blue sapphire, and ruby. They were originally called precious gemstones and with the rest merely delegated to semi-precious category. Most of the time, rubies and emeralds are more expensive than sapphires because of their rarity.
New classics refer to currently fashionable gemstones, those on the rise in the industry like aquamarine and tourmaline. Connoisseur gemstones refer to those that are hard to find like alexandrite, a rare pinkish stone, sapphires that have other colors than blue, and black opal.
Collectors gems are rare but affordable and of great beauty like morganite and zircon. Lastly, affordable gemstones are those with high quantity in the market, affordably priced, but with excellent overall value such as amethyst and blue topaz.
How to Buy Pearl Jewelry
Pearls may be natural, cultured (naturally grown but with human intervention), or synthetic. Artificial or synthetic pearls are man-made and produced using plastic, glass, or other similar materials. Pearls are judged according to the skin, luster, shape, and size. Skin refers to the absence of blemishes, luster is an exclusive quality of pearls, referring to its surface glow, and shape places preferences for the most perfect spheres for pearls.